Bitcoin For Business Webinar

Bitcoin For Business Webinar

High profile companies such as AT&T, Microsoft, USAA, Goldman Sachs, Expedia, and Burger King are beginning to experiment with Bitcoin. Find out why and learn how your company could benefit from launching a bitcoin pilot project this year at our free ‘Bitcoin for Business’ Webinar. The Webinar will be presented by Charles Stack, a leading expert on emerging technologies. Throughout his career Stack has repeatedly identified, learned, leveraged, and navigated new emerging technologies to launch and grow successful businesses. From the earliest PC network to the first online retail business to web services Stack has shown the ability to identify…
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Lightning Network Books

The Bitcoin Lightning Network, Poon & Dryja, Jan 2016, pdf. This is the seminal white paper that launched the concept of the lightning network. The early sections are invaluable for understanding the problems that the lightning network was designed to address. Required reading. Hacking The Lightning Network – A Protocol to Scale Bitcoin, Jan 2019, Rene Pickhardt, pdf. This is a Creative Commons licensed open source book available on Github. Good section on electronic cash. While still useful, it has not been updated since January 2019. Mastering the Lightning Network, Andreas Antonopoulos et al, not yet published (Late 2020). This…
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Lightning Conference 2019

Lightning Conference 2019

Here are notes and links to recommended sessions from the first global lightning network conference held in Berlin October 19-20 2019. About 500 people attended. Here’s a review of the conference from Bitcoin Magazine. Day One October 19 Main Stage Video, 8 hours. Day Two October 20 Main Stage Video, 8 hours. Much more digestible single-session versions, ~20-40 minutes each.  Here are some specific sessions recommended for executives and managers. Building Lighting Businesses, Ryan Gentry, 20 minutes, This session focused on business opportunities, with an eye to startup opportunities. Investing in Lightning, panel, 40 minutes. Enterprise Lightning, Lopp, 3 minutes. A too-quick discussion…
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Bolt-a-Thon Virtual Lightning Conference

Bolt-a-Thon Virtual Lightning Conference, 3-day online hackathon, December 6-8 2019. Here’s the YouTube Channel with recordings of many of the sessions. The first Bolt-A-Thon conference was held in April 2019. There are none currently scheduled for 2020. Recommended sessions. Listed below are the top three hackathon winners with their timecodes. Though somewhat technical, they do provide an interesting range of possible lightning projects. Litreon - 4:18; Lightning Search Ads - 17:11; SatsHunter - 1:04:23
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What Bitcoin Did, Peter McCormack. The number one bitcoin podcast in the world, and for good reason. Host Peter McCormick travels the world for face-to-face interviews with leading bitcoin luminaries. He has the best guests and an extremely listenable style with uniformly excellent content. Highly, highly recommended.  Now twice weekly. Here are our recommended episodes focused on the lightning network.
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Lightning Network Videos

Lightning Network Videos

While we have previously covered some video content from online courses, conferences, and websites generally this section features a short curated selection of educational videos intended to quickly explain the lightning network. Watch them all over lunch and you will be a lightning network corporate champion by afternoon. Lightning Network Explained, 12:24, April 2019. Very clear explanations and lovely hand-drawn graphics. Uses our favorite bar tab analogy as the underlying metaphor. Includes an explanation of the concept of streaming money. Highly recommended. Bitcoin's Lightning Network, Simply Explained! 5:33, Dec 2017. Basic clear simple explanation. Note: current implementations generally abstract…
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